Monday, October 29, 2012

Fun with Ada and Karl

We went East to visit Karl, Ada and their parents.  We timed it right to miss the storm they are enjoying now.
 We arrived on the day Karl turned two and enjoyed eating Birthday cupcakes with him.
 Watching TV and enjoying snacks.
 We Celebrated Nana's Birthday with Chocolate Chip Applesauce Cake.
(Caution fewer  candles may appear than actually exist.)
 Ada Practices here stutter step dribble.

 She Shoots ... She Scores!

Drumlin Farm

 Ada and friends

 More Color for the picture.

 Interesting talk about an Owl.

Karl isn't quite big enough to be an ear.

Hay Ride.

We went to a U-Pick Orchard and Ada was a great apple picker.

Laura had family pictures taken while we were there.


Unknown said...

Dad says, "Happy New Year and we love you."

Unknown said...

We like the pictures