Thursday, August 23, 2012

Crater Lake

While we were here in Oregon we thought we would go to Crater Lake.  We talked Cate, Luke and Caleb into going with us.  We had a really great time and here are some of the pictures to prove it.
 We entered the park through the North Gate and found the Lake about 8 miles down the road.

After we got our first look at the lake everyone was hungry so we stopped along the road to eat.  I was surprised that there were very few picnic areas so we found a flat rock (with a steep drop-off on the far side) and made sandwiches for lunch.  Patsy made sure everyone stayed away from the drop-off. 

The kids were surprised to see snow in August!  Fun!

The picture in the middle is a spire that has a fire watch tower at the top.  (See picture on the right.)  When we were at the top we took a picture of the parking lot where Patsy was waiting.  (Far Left)
In the center is a picture of the four of us at the top.  Best view in the park.

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