Monday, March 22, 2010

Time shift to Sturbridge Mass.

Sunday we visited Sturbridge Village Living History Museum with Jeff, Laura, and Ada. When we got there we found we were in a time shift back to the early 1800's in Massachusetts.

There were many interesting buildings including this church. They said that in that day the term Church referred to the body of believers and not the building that housed the service.

Here is a corn crib or granary. the stones supporting the building caught my attention. They were put up this way to keep the mice and squirrels out.

Ada saw sheep, oxen, cows, horses and chickens. There were quite a few Roosters and when they were in the sun, (which this one was not) they were especially pretty. (Hansom?)

1 comment:

Hope said...

I have many, many fond memories of Old Sturbridge Village. That isn't far at all from where I grew up!