Saturday, April 14, 2012

Patsy and I spent the next week visiting dad and Betty in Phoenix.  The weather, mid to high 80s with lots of sun, was great!  We enjoyed sitting out on the patio and visiting, playing Bingo, and having lunch in the Regency Dining room.  One of the highlights was talking to grand kids via Skype.  The computer is in a public area of the activity room so several people came over to see what we were doing.  Skype is a new installation at the retirement home.

 I don't think I mentioned that Aunt Ev, dads sister, just moved in the week before we came.  we enjoyed visiting with her too.  Here is a picture of the three of us after lunch one day.  If you think that dad looks different you are right.  He had cataract surgery a couple months ago and after about 75 years, does not need to wear glasses anymore.  He has a pair of drug store reading glasses that he uses to read small print but for the most part he does not need glasses.

Since his leg infection dad is working up to longer walks.  For now, when we go to the dining room or when he has to go beyond his building he uses his electric cart.  Here we are getting ready to enter the dining room for lunch.

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